ERASMUS გაცვლითი პროგრამა პერსონალისთვის მოიცავს სტუდენტთა და აკადემიური/ადმინისტარციული პერსონალის მობილობის და კვლევის მიმართულებებს კონსერვატორიის ერასმუს პარტნიორ უმაღლესებში. უმაღლესების სია იხ. აქ.


დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის გთხოვთ მიჰყვეთ ტექსტს.


Staff Exchange ERASMUS+

The ERASMUS+ program allows academic and administrative staff to go on exchanges. An exchange can be organized in two directions:

  • an TSC employee going to a foreign country (including both academic and administrative employees)
  • an employee from a foreign country coming to TSC (including both academic and administrative employees)

The ERASMUS+ program makes it possible for lecturers/employees of TSC to visit the Countries of our partner Higher Educational Institution

The exchange grant covers:

  1. Mobility for teaching assignments at a partner university.
  2. Mobility for staff training which covers the training of university employees (including academic employees) at partner universities


Who is eligible for participation?

-          A participant must be an employee of the sending institution (including while under an employment, services or agency contract).

-          Meeting the requirements of the language proficiency

Duration of the mobility

The minimum duration of the mobility for administrative/academic staff is 5 days (excluding travel days).

Mobility for the purposes of teaching has an additional requirement concerning the length of studies – a minimum of 4 teaching hours per days and, for longer periods of mobility, per week.

According to the ERASMUS+ program employees participating in mobility must

-          - receive travel grants and a subsistence grant

-          - must sign teacher/staff mobility agreement

-          - must sign grant agreement


      In the end of the mobility period staff/teacher will get the Erasmus mobility confimration certificate







For additional information for outgoing staff/teachers please contact through email:


Erasmus PIC Number:932283976

For International Applicants/Exchange Students

Erasmus handbook

Brief History Of TSC



საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობათა დეპარტამენტი,

ოთახი: 225

ტელ: (+995 32) 2 98 71 86


მისამართი: 0108, თბილისი,

გრიბოედოვის ქ. 8-10


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